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Author: Ola Løvholm

The Gathering 2012

The Gathering 2012

Godt plantet i en stol på Universitetet i Oslos stand på The Gathering i Hamar har jeg god utsikt utover et lyshav a LCD-skjermer og strålende datamaskiner. I en rus av energidrikk, manglende søvn, pulserende musikk og varm frossen-pizza har 5500 personer boltret seg fast i Vikingskipet på Hamar. Etter et par runder rundt i lokalet har jeg observert at spill er den mest populære aktiviteten og på en skjerm i ene enden av lokalet vises spillturneringer på storskjerm. UiO…

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Screen Scraping med Python

Screen Scraping med Python

Tim Berners-Lee, Internetts pappa, snakker i et inspirerende TED foredrag om the web of data, og oppfordrer alle til å dele sine data. Ideen med web of data er at webben fram til i dag hovedsakelig har vært dokumentbasert og at denne nå endres til å bli mer databasert. I webbens dokumenter ligger det mye bakenforliggende informasjon hvor det semantiske innholdet ofte kan være utfordrende å hente ut, spesielt hvis du er en datamaskin. Selv om, ideeltt sett, all informasjon…

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Planlegg gaming-TV kjøpet

Planlegg gaming-TV kjøpet

Prisene på TV-apparater har sunket dramatisk, og apparater som for bare et par år siden virket utenfor rekkevidde er nå tilgjengelig for alle. Det er ofte fristende å velge det dyreste og det beste på første besøk i butikken, men dersom du forbereder deg og tenker over hva du virkelig trenger er det mye penger å spare. Når du skal kjøpe ny TV er utvalget av som møter deg i butikken overveldende. Med sterke farger og skarpe linjer skal du…

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Mining the Social Web

Mining the Social Web

Social network sites and interpersonal web communication is big business and plays an ever increasing part of peoples lives. From being mainly a tools for communication has now other life-world domains been conquered by the digital forum for exchange of virtual and real-life information. Both the explicit, and more recently, implicit data footprint produced by acts in the virtual and real world is aggregated, analysed and shared. A member of Facebook sending a wall-post to a friend, a Twitter user retweeting a…

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The Music in the Clouds

The Music in the Clouds

I have got a new job. For the last one and a half month I have been working as a research assistant on the research project “Clouds & Concerts” (Norwegian: Sky & Scene). The project is a collaboration between the Department of Musicology and the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo as well as the Norwegian streaming service WiMP, Telenor and SINTEF and seeks to understand how the new music technology paradigm has affected music listening,…

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The Internet has now entered its third decennial as a popular medium. In fact it is now one of the most popular medium we are using, the Internet is so popular that other traditional media is building their infrastructure upon its technological basis and within its frameworks. The traditional media are also absorbing pop-cultural phenomena from the net-sphere and remediating these other places. As a Schumpeterian disruption in the immaterial aspects of society, the multimedia-savvy computer platform has with its flexible and, recently…

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Det har vært interessant å følge Apples utvikling de siste 11 årene siden de slapp første versjon av Mac OS X. I 2001 ble versjon 10 (derav X) sluppet, og denne hadde en rekke forandringer fra tidligere versjoner. Apple opplevde en nedtur på 90-tallet og ønsket på et tidspunkt å kjøpe inn eksternt operativsystem framfor å videreutvikle sitte eget selv. Mange alternativer ble vurdert, men istedet for å velge for eksempel Suns unix-baserte Solaris, eller Windows NT (som faktisk ble…

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Christmas Learning

Christmas Learning

We are soon to enter a new festival season, and many of you are now are leaving studies or work for some days, or even weeks off. Spend time to celebrate christmas in one or another fashion, spend time with family and friends, and spend time gaining strength. While it’s good to have some time off, it’s also great to have some time to work on some projects, read some new literature, and learn some new things. Here are what…

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Behind the Scenes: A CSS3 page in the making

Behind the Scenes: A CSS3 page in the making

In today’s post we’ll be creating a little page with some graphics. The purpose of this little session is to create a web site which takes advantage of some of the new features in HTML5 and CSS3. Lots have happened to web technology the last years, and my little toe tells me more is in the making. Let us make a little page and style it with some of the cool new stuff as well as adding some elements to…

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The 23rd of November mom, Jules and I went to Scotland to attend my graduation at the University of Edinburgh. In McEwan Hall I meet with most of my old study colleagues and we were in turn hit by the hat which graduates us and bestow our academic titles upon us. This could have been a nice introduction to John Searle and his speech acts, but I will save that for later. Anyhow, this marks the end of my second…

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